



  • 公司类型:

    企业单位 (生产商)

  • 经营模式:


德事(上海)商务服务有限公司于1994年创建,是亚太区服务式办公室,共有超过65个商务,覆盖21个亚太区主要城市,包括香港、北京、成都、上海、天津、深圳、广州、澳门、台北、东京、首尔、新加坡、雅加达、孟买、古尔冈、班加罗尔、金奈、浦那、布里斯班、珀斯和悉尼。作为服务式办公室的行业,德事商务提供高规格、度身定制的服务式办公室、虚拟办公室服务、会议设施、视频会议设施,以及选择多样化的商务行政服务,选址均位于每个城市商务区显赫的的甲A级写字楼,致力于以灵活的办公空间解决方案,满足跨国企业、中小型企业和新成立公司对本地、区域和全球范围办公空间的需求。德事商务的核心理念是在每个服务城市提供佳的服务,为企业客户践行“以智慧取代劳力” 的理念,建设灵活性、性价比和生产力三高商务空间。我们的工作空间配备完善,设施齐全;虚拟办公室地址位于显赫商业区;跨区建立会议室网络,布局严谨专 业,提供一系列生产力和通信工具;本地商务支持服务多元化,让有意在亚洲发展的企业可专注投入业务发展,免除后顾之忧。 Founded in 1994, The Executive Centre is Asia Pacific's leading premium serviced office provider, with over 65 centres across 21 major cities including Hong Kong, Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau, Taipei, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Jakarta, Mumbai, Chennai, Gurgaon, Pune, Brisbane, Perth and Sydney .At the cutting edge of the serviced office industry, The Executive Centre provides the highest quality of on-demand serviced offices, virtual offices, meeting facilities, video conferencing and a broad range of business concierge services in the most prestigious Grade A office buildings in the central business districts of every city in which it operates, with a dedication to serving the business interests of multinational corporations, small and medium enterprises, and start-ups locally, regionally and internationally with the most flexible and dynamic workplace solutions.Based on a core concept of providing best-in-class service in every city it serves, The Executive Centre offers businesses an opportunity to "Work smarter, not harder" and achieve office space flexibility, cost effectiveness and productivity. A business looking to have a presence in Asia can benefit from The Executive Centre’s fully furnished and well-equipped serviced workplaces, virtual offices with prestigious business addresses, a regional network of meeting rooms in a professional business environment, state-of-the-art productivity and communication tools, and a variety of local business support services.
公司名称: 德事(上海)商务服务有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (生产商)
所 在 地: 北京 公司规模: 100-499人
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 生产商
商务服务 / 广告服务 商务服务 / 中介服务 商务服务 / 网络服务
商务服务 / 其他商务服务 商务服务 / 招聘职位

